As per TRREB (Toronto Regional Real Estate Board ) Listrac listing traffic reporting, below is the stats for the sources of online listing traffic for GTA region, Toronto buyers are the No. 1 source of home buyers who are visiting the south east Oakville home listings, Mississauga comes 2nd, No.3 is the home owners who live in north Oakville or west Oakville who are looking to move to south Oakville. Brampton comes No. 4, the no. 5 is Halifax where there are mostly new immigrants who landed there first and plan to move to GTA. And also there are quite some buyers from Burlington, Hamilton, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham looking to move to south Oakville.
This traffic stats only covers the buyers who use, which doesn't include the international or new comer buyers who don't use, they may use other different sites and apps instead which are not included in the below traffic stats.
As the largest Re/Max brokerage worldwide, besides our Oakville location, we have 40+ locations in Toronto and GTA, Ontario, we have the largest network to bring you buyers from everywhere including Toronto.